The elderly are often regarded as a burden and do not receive the respect they deserve

Organisations like Age Concern are working hard to support our older citizens who may face loneliness and in extreme cases abuse.
Each year, Age Concern’s Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention (EANP) services receive more than 2000 referrals for older people who may be facing elder abuse or neglect. That’s eight referrals every working day. About three quarters of these situations are confirmed to involve elder abuse or neglect.
Through education comes understanding and empathy and if we start fostering this in our preschool children they will grow up to respect the older members of our society. That’s one of the reasons we started visiting our local rest home and other seniors groups in our local area.
What we have observed during our visits is the open minded nature of the child who embarks on friendships without bias or judgment. They don’t define the person in front of them as “old” or “incapable”; they are simply learning to connect with another human being in the purest of ways – from the heart.
Our visits have short and long term benefits for our older generation. In the short term these preschool children really do provide excitement and energy. They brighten up the day of some people who may not interact with many young children or whose own grandchildren live overseas. In the long term we are fostering in children an acceptance and understanding of an older generation who have much to give. They often have the patience and time to sit and work with the child on a puzzle for as long as it takes. They spend time getting to know the children, asking them questions and building their esteem through meaningful exchanges. It is truly magical to watch!